Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Again in Times Square, they were giving out this new Lifewater, that comes in various flavors including Orange Tangerine (left) and Blackberry Cherry (right).

I took a few sips of the Blackberry Cherry flavor, and it tasted so artificial and syrupy that I threw the rest out. I don't drink VitaminWater (the obvious competition), but even things like Snapple are tastier than this. IMHO, if you are concerned about calories, drink plain filtered tap water, add a slice of lemon or some fruit juice if you want flavor. If you want tons of flavor, then drink natural fruit juice. No need to drink this chemically-concocted flavored "water".

PEPSI and amazonmp3

This giant monster, made of stuff you can get with PepsiPoints, appeared in TimesSquare one day around the SuperBowl. Folks were giving out Pepsipoint cards of 10 points each, I believe, redeemable for 1 free mp3 at Amazon.com

I don't buy digital music often, because I prefer CDs, but in the rare occassion that I do, I use iTunes because it is quick and convenient. Amazon digital downloads only take a few more clicks and are actually better (higher quality sound and DRM-free) but iTunes just seems easier. Why? because iTunes has a higher profile with all the iPods out there, the iPod/iPhone/iTunes commercials, Starbucks giveaways, American Idol cross-endorsement, etc. If Amazon wants to seriously move in on the digital download market, they need to market / promote / media-blitz to make itself known. A handful of free mp3s and one Pepsi monster just isn't gonna do it.